Feminist Horror Festival

Feminist Horror Funhouse presents:

A Series of Terrifying Delights - The Feminist Horror Festival is a series of events running from Sept. 26 to Halloween that consists of a set of film screenings, art activities, a speaker series, book club, activist roundtable, music, dance, and theatre. Special guests include filmmakers Ariel Baska and Karen Lam, podcast host Chelsey Weber-Smith of American Hysteria, and Johanna Isaacson, author of Stepford Daughters. Events are mostly in downtown Kelowna, at the library, UBCO and OC campuses, and Kelowna Art Gallery, and are partnered with the Okanagan Regional Library, Kelowna Women’s Shelter, Queerphoria, Bernie’s, the Gather, HorrorFest, Greater Vancouver Horror Writers’ Association, Final Girl Festival Berlin, and a handful of others. Satellite haunted theater tour and film festival at The Towne community theater in Vernon.


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two ladies talking, one looking sad